How to beat Procrastination
The very first step of avoiding procrastination is to first forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past.
Once you have done that, let’s have a look at some of the other ways through which we can procrastinate Procrastination.
- Create a Dream Collage
Open up your journal, gather the images of your ideal life and glue it inside. This is because the subconscious mind runs 95% of your life.
- 30 Day Procrastination Diet
Create a Month Calendar and write down, for every single day what you have been resisting.
For 30 days write down one thing each day you’ve been putting off and you do it.
Willpowers are muscles. When you do what you have been resisting you take back your power you gave to the thing which you were resisting.
- The Power of Exercise
Workout for 20-30 minutes in the morning.
When we exercise we rewire the way our brain works. We create massive resistance against chronic stress.
We release endorphins. We release norepinephrine.
You start feeling very strong.
You just start your metabolic rate.
You find an almost extra day every day.
In the evening you’ll be full of energy.
You’re full of focus.
- Create Distraction Free Environments
When there is disorder in your physical environment, you’ll not focus and it will help you to procrastinate.
This will help you to think clearly
Get your most important missions DONE.
Mess create stress
- Release your self Sabotage
Stop listening to the voice of fear.
The Number one reason for procrastination is FEAR